Advancing the scientific and clinical development of photodynamic therapy, photomedicine, photodisinfection, and photodiagnosis.


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The Board of the International Photodynamic Association cancels the IPA 2022 World Congress in Moscow

Dear IPA members,

In view of the international crises triggered by the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, the Board of the International Photodynamic Association decided to cancel the IPA 2022 World Congress in Moscow scheduled for June.

IPA is an international scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of photomedicine. Its members around the world contribute to better health care and are committed to peaceful collaboration across national and cultural barriers. At this time of great hardship in Ukraine, we unequivocally support our Ukrainian colleagues and commiserate with our Russian colleagues, condemn the Russian Government's invasion of Ukraine and appeal for peace.

Luis Arnaut
President, IPA Board of Directors